

Unifying an inconsistent coded categorical variable in a panel/longtitudal dataset

There is offered the cat2cat procedure to map a categorical variable according to a mapping (transition) table between two different time points. The mapping (transition) table should to have a candidate for each category from the targeted for an update period. The main rule is to replicate the observation if it could be assigned to a few categories, then using simple frequencies or statistical methods to approximate probabilities of being assigned to each of them.

This algorithm was invented and implemented in the paper by (Nasinski, Majchrowska and Broniatowska (2020)).

For more details please read the paper by (Nasinski, Gajowniczek (2023)).

Graph - cat2cat procedure

The graphs present how the cat2cat function (and the underlying procedure) works, in this case under a panel dataset without the unique identifiers and only two periods.

Backward Mapping

Forward Mapping

Example usage

To use cat2cat in a project:

Load example data

# cat2cat datasets
from cat2cat.datasets import load_trans, load_occup, load_verticals
from numpy.random import seed


trans = load_trans()
occup = load_occup()
verticals = load_verticals()

Low-level functions

from cat2cat.mappings import get_mappings, get_freqs, cat_apply_freq

# convert the mapping table to two association lists
mappings = get_mappings(trans)
# get a variable levels freqencies
codes_new = occup.code[occup.year == 2010].values
freqs = get_freqs(codes_new)
# apply the frequencies to the (one) association list
mapp_new_p = cat_apply_freq(mappings["to_new"], freqs)

# mappings for a specific category
# probability mappings for a specific category

cat2cat procedure - one iteration

from cat2cat import cat2cat
from cat2cat.dataclass import cat2cat_data, cat2cat_mappings, cat2cat_ml

from pandas import concat

# split the panel by the time variale
# here only two periods
o_old = occup.loc[occup.year == 2008, :].copy()
o_new = occup.loc[occup.year == 2010, :].copy()

# dataclasses, two core arguments for the cat2cat function
data = cat2cat_data(
    old = o_old, 
    new = o_new, 
    cat_var_old = "code", 
    cat_var_new = "code", 
    time_var = "year"
mappings = cat2cat_mappings(trans = trans, direction = "backward")

# apply the cat2cat procedure
c2c = cat2cat(data = data, mappings = mappings)
# pandas.concat used to bind per period datasets
data_final = concat([c2c["old"], c2c["new"]])

sub_cols = ["id", "edu", "code", "year", "index_c2c", "g_new_c2c", "rep_c2c", "wei_naive_c2c", "wei_freq_c2c"]
data_final.groupby(["year"]).sample(5).loc[:, sub_cols]

With ML

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from cat2cat import cat2cat_ml_run

# ml dataclass, one of the arguments for the cat2cat function
ml = cat2cat_ml(
    data = o_new, 
    cat_var = "code", 
    features = ["salary", "age", "edu"], 
    models = [KNeighborsClassifier(random_state = 1234)]

cat2cat_ml_run(mappings, ml)

# apply the cat2cat procedure
c2c = cat2cat(data = data, mappings = mappings, ml = ml)
# pandas.concat used to bind per period datasets
data_final = concat([c2c["old"], c2c["new"]])

sub_cols = ["id", "year", "wei_naive_c2c", "wei_freq_c2c", "wei_KNeighborsClassifier_c2c"]
data_final.groupby(["year"]).sample(3).loc[:, sub_cols]

With 4 periods, one mapping table and backward direction:

from cat2cat.cat2cat_utils import dummy_c2c

# split the panel by the time variale
# here four periods
o_2006 = occup.loc[occup.year == 2006, :].copy()
o_2008 = occup.loc[occup.year == 2008, :].copy()
o_2010 = occup.loc[occup.year == 2010, :].copy()
o_2012 = occup.loc[occup.year == 2012, :].copy()

# dataclasses, two core arguments for the cat2cat function
data = cat2cat_data(
    old = o_2008, 
    new = o_2010, 
    cat_var_old = "code", 
    cat_var_new = "code", 
    time_var = "year"
mappings = cat2cat_mappings(trans = trans, direction = "backward")

# apply the cat2cat procedure
occup_back_2008_2010 = cat2cat(data = data, mappings = mappings)

# updated for the next iteration data cat2cat argument
data = cat2cat_data(
    old = o_2006, 
    new = occup_back_2008_2010["old"], 
    cat_var_old = "code", 
    cat_var_new = "g_new_c2c", 
    time_var = "year"

# apply the cat2cat procedure
occup_back_2006_2008 = cat2cat(data = data, mappings = mappings)

# gather the datasets for each period
o_2006_n = occup_back_2006_2008["old"]
o_2008_n = occup_back_2006_2008["new"] # or occup_back_2008_2010["old"]
o_2010_n = occup_back_2008_2010["new"]
o_2012_n = dummy_c2c(o_2012, "code")

# pandas.concat used to bind per period datasets
data_final = concat([o_2006_n, o_2008_n, o_2010_n, o_2012_n])

sub_cols = ["id", "edu", "code", "year", "index_c2c",
 "g_new_c2c", "rep_c2c", "wei_naive_c2c", "wei_freq_c2c"]
data_final.groupby(["year"]).sample(2).loc[:, sub_cols]

Prune - prune_c2c

Pruning which could be useful after the mapping process, the custom prune_fun is provided by the end user. The prune_fun is a function to process a 1D-array of weights (float) and return a 1D-array of boolean of the same length. The weighs will be reweighted automatically to still to sum to one per each original observation.

  • non-zero - lambda x: x > 0

  • highest1 - lambda x: arange(len(x)) == argmax(x)

  • highest - lambda x: x == max(x)

from cat2cat.cat2cat_utils import prune_c2c
from numpy import arange, argmax

# prune_c2c
# highest1 leave only one observation with the highest probability for each orginal one
 prune_c2c(o_2006_n, lambda x: arange(len(x)) == argmax(x)).shape[0])

Direct match

It is important to set the id_var argument as then we merging categories 1 to 1 for this identifier which exists in both periods.

# split the panel by the time variable
vert_old = verticals.loc[verticals["v_date"] == "2020-04-01", :]
vert_new = verticals.loc[verticals["v_date"] == "2020-05-01", :]

## extract mapping (transition) table from data using identifier
trans_v = vert_old.merge(vert_new, on = "ean", how = "inner")\
.loc[:, ["vertical_x", "vertical_y"]]\
# dataclasses, two core arguments for the cat2cat function
data = cat2cat_data(
  old = vert_old, 
  new = vert_new, 
  id_var = "ean", 
  cat_var_old = "vertical", 
  cat_var_new = "vertical", 
  time_var = "v_date"
mappings = cat2cat_mappings(trans = trans_v, direction = "backward")

# apply the cat2cat procedure
verts = cat2cat(
  data = data,
  mappings = mappings

# pandas.concat used to bind per period datasets
data_final = concat([verts["old"], verts["new"]])

Direct match with ML

# ml dataclass, one of the arguments for the cat2cat function
ml = cat2cat_ml(
    data = vert_old, 
    cat_var = "vertical", 
    features = ["sales"], 
    models = [KNeighborsClassifier()]

# apply the cat2cat procedure
verts_ml = cat2cat(
  data = data,
  mappings = mappings,
  ml = ml

# pandas.concat used to bind per period datasets
data_final = concat([verts_ml["old"], verts_ml["new"]])